NATHAL® - References and selected bibliography


Within the scientific field, NATHAL® is located near the intersection of conventional psychology, cognitive sciences, linguistics, new results from brain research and the interpretation of findings from neuro-biological and perceptional-philosophical research. It borders, for instance, on the biology of systems, radical constructivism and analogical research. A good example is in the 'open' concept of the unity of body, mind and soul within the human being ("Mind and Brain"). Beyond those fields already open to scientific investigation (in the narrowest sense), analogical pointers from centuries' old forms and experiences of spiritual-religious occurrences exist. Investigations of highly complex systems and their evolution, i.e. chaos studies (synergetics) and hypotheses concerning self-referential individual development, have produced new conceptions about the dimensionality of space and time, about energy and information.

A special NATHAL® documentation is in the process of being developed. In the scientific forefront, the following references should help to build a bridge from a conventional to a broader understanding of spiritual phenomena. We have deliberately omitted literature of a pre-scientific, religious or mystical nature as well as any specialised scientific papers.

Comprehensive inter- and trans-disciplinary investigations of cyclical and developmental processes are only just beginning to emerge.

Selected bibliography

Theories of knowlege and science; epistemology

Bateson,G.: Mind and Nature. A Necessary Unity. Wildwood House, London (1979)
Changeux, J. P., Connes, A.: Gedankenmaterie, Springer, Hamburg (1992)
Charon, Jean E.: Les Lumières de l'Invisible. Albin Michel, Paris (1985)
Holenstein, E.: Von der Hintergehbarkeit der Sprache. Suhrkamp st 316, Frankfurt/Main (1980)
Peat, David F.: Synchronizitaet. Die Verborgene Ordnung. Scherz, Muenchen (1989)
idem: Menschliches Selbstverstaendnis. Suhrkamp st 534, Frankfurt/Main (1985)
Varela, F. J.; Thompson, E.: Der Mittlere Weg der Erkenntnis. Scherz, Muenchen (1992)

Brain Physiology, Body-Brain-Soul

Haffelder, G., Institut fuer Kommunikation und Gehirnforschung, Weissenburgstrasse 24, 70180 Stuttgart. Various work papers (1994, 1995)
Popper, K. R.; Eccles, J. C.: The Self and its Brain. Springer International (1977)
Riedl, R.: Evolution und Erkenntnis. Piper, Muenchen (1984)
Roth, G.: Das Gehirn und seine Wirklichkeit. Kognitive Neurobiologie und ihre philosophischen Konsequenzen. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M (1994)


Hernegger, R.: Wahrnehmung und Bewusstsein. Spektrum Verlag (1995)
Kolb, B.; Wishaw, I. Q.: Neuropsychologie. Spektrum (1993)
Lachnit, H. ™.: Assoziatives Lernen und Kognition. Spektrum, Heidelberg (1993)
Lathan, G.: Beitrag in: Matheis, R. (Hrsg).: Leadership Revolution. Frankfurt: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; Wiesbaden: BWL Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler (1995)


Although this may not be strictly scientific procedure (in the narrow sense of the word), it might be worthwhile to refer - albeit critically and selectively - to interdisciplinary essays published by acknowledged scholars in some of the more serious reference books. Such publications, which have recently sprung up alongside conventional science, might be able to provide new aspects and inspiration for a more thorough understanding of NATHAL®.

Vide in this context the speculations, hypotheses and calculations of, inter alia, the quantum physicists: Olivier Costa de Beauregard; Fritjof Capra; Burkhard Heim; Werner Heisenberg; Jules Muheim; Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker and others.

Vide also the classic work by Erwin Schrädinger: What is Life? Idem: Mind and Matter. Cambridge University Press (1967).